From TV to stocks to software: a full-stack developer with a wide-angle vision


I’m a full-stack developer with a diverse background and wide-ranging interests.

As a screenwriter, I’ve learned that creativity thrives when combined with careful planning, solid architecture, and continuous rewriting.

As a TV producer, I’ve successfully reconciled conflicting perspectives and overcome last minute challenges.

As a stock and option trader, I sharpened my self-discipline and forward thinking.

In order to enhance my trading experience, I started developing my own software tools and exploring innovative technologies. Now I'm willing to develop better products and solutions and I’m eager to collaborate with talented individuals to achieve results we can truly be proud of.

Beyond work, I practise kung fu and I enjoy the sea in any season of the year.

A sailing boat


  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • DAX
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • SCSS
  • jQuery
  • React
  • React Native
  • Angular
  • Bootstrap
  • Angular Material
  • Node.js
  • Express
  • Spring
  • Spring Boot
  • Mongoose
  • Hibernate
  • MongoDb
  • MySql
  • AWS
  • Heroku
  • MongoDb Atlas
  • Git
  • Maven
  • Parcel
  • Postman
  • VSCode
  • Intellij Idea
  • Github Copilot


Discover a selection of my latest projects. Portfolio Strategist is a tool I'm actively developing to enhance my Stock and Option Trading activity. Its design and functionality hold the promise to be a valuable aid for traders everywhere.

In addition, you'll find various study projects undertaken during the CareerFoundry full-stack development program.

For other minor projects, feel free to explore my Github repository.

Portfolio Strategist Api

Portfolio Strategist is a web application designed to empower stock and option traders by providing tools to organize, view, and query their trading data from an Interactive Brokers account.

Portfolio Strategist Api serves as the backend for the application and is responsible for fetching the user data from the Interactive Brokers account and for exposing a rich API to facilitate data quering from the frontend. It is built with Spring Boot, Java 17 and MySql.

Flixit Angular

Flixit Angular is a fresh interpretation of the original Flixit App frontend, crafted with Angular and TypeScript. It utilizes Angular Router and RxJS for seamless navigation and responsive programming, respectively. With a user interface designed using Angular Material, the app conforms to Google's Material Design principles, ensuring an intuitive and visually appealing user experience.


Flixit is a full-stack web application that provides information about movies from the Golden Age of Italian Cinema (1960-1980). The frontend is built with React.js and Typescript and employs technologies such as React Router, React Bootstrap, and React Redux. The backend is built with Node.js and Express and is connected to a MongoDB Atlas cloud database.


Meet is a serverless, progressive web application (PWA) that displays a given number of events filtered by city. The application is developed using React and a test-driven development (TDD) approach. It utilizes the Google Calendar API to fetch events from a sample calendar account, with the authorization process handled by AWS Lambda functions. Meet can be installed on both desktop and mobile devices and has the capability to work offline by using cached data.

Chat App

The Chat App allows users to enter a chat room, exchange messages with other users, share locations and images, and read messages offline. It is also compatible with a screen reader for users with visual impairments. It is build using Expo, React Native and Firebase. Chat funcionalities are provided by Gifted Chat, a popular and highly customizable React Native library for mobile chat applications.


The Pokédex App is a web application that enables users to view detailed information about a variety of Pokémons. The app retrieves Pokémons' details from PokéAPI, a popular and free educational API. It is built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and makes use of jQuery 3.6.3 and Bootstrap 5.3.0.

via Alfonso Marchesani 56
66054 Vasto Marina (CH)
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